Senior Spotlight #7: Grace Slear

Meet Grace: varsity team captain of Softball, president of Think Pink Club, and member of the Volleyball team, Campus Ministry, and the STEM program. She’s a Sagittarius and planning on studying engineering at University of Notre Dame. Here’s our senior spotlight interview with her!


What’s your favorite extracurricular activity?


“Softball is probably my favorite.”


What’s your advice for freshmen? 


“Do as much as you can to immerse yourself. Participate in activities, branch out to meet new people, try to get the most out of every experience you can. It’s worth it.”


What’s your favorite class and teacher?


“Favorite teacher is probably Mr. Aitken because he’s hilarious and the class is fun. Or maybe Mrs. Squirlock because she’s a good teacher. Favorite class is probably Lit because what we do is interesting, it applies to society, and I just like debating books also.”


What’s your favorite GC lunch food? 


“General Tso’s”


What’s one thing you wish you could change or have done differently?


“The first thing that comes to my head-it’s kind of stupid-obviously I wish Covid wasn’t there, but that’s not really in my power to change nor do I regret it. Honestly, I liked my experience. I’m happy with where I ended in high school and what I accomplished. So, I don’t have regrets.”


What GC senior do you want on your side of the apocalypse? 


“I feel like [William] Applegarth could take down so many zombies.”


What’s your favorite trend from the last 4 years?


“I don’t know. Probably the gritty.”