Senior Spotlight #14: Xavier Onwu

Meet Xavier: member of the Track Team, ASA, and Wind Ensemble.

He is a Libra and is split between majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Cellular/Molecular Biology. Here is our senior spotlight interview with him!


What’s your favorite extracurricular activity?


“My favorite is ASA because we did so much this year; we went above and beyond. We had the Black Excellence Seminar; we held the giant fashion show during Culture Week; we had the huge donation drive where we collected over 7000 items. We saw a lot of engagement from not just the leaders but the club in general. I had a lot of fun with it.”


What’s your advice for freshmen?


“Don’t be obnoxious. Use your brain. That’s about it.”


What’s your favorite class and teacher?


“IB Economics because of Mr. Aitken. He is the best; I love that guy.”


What’s your favorite GC lunch food?


“General Tso’s, easily.”


What’s your favorite trend from the last 4 years?


“Every trend from quarantine TikTok.”


What’s one thing you wish you could change or have done differently?


“I wish I would have started Track earlier because I actually have a lot of fun with Track. I started my Junior year, so I wish I would have started earlier because then I would have been experienced from the start.”


What GC senior do you want on your side of the apocalypse?


“Quincy Howard!”