Senior Spotlight #12: Mollie Murphy

Meet Mollie: member of the Ice Hockey team and avid TV watcher. She is a Gemini and an ENFP. She is planning to major in Biochemistry or Athletic Training. Here is our senior spotlight interview with her!


What’s your favorite extracurricular activity?


Ice Hockey


What’s your advice for freshmen?


“Time management! I think that’s very important, and I think that’s something you learn over the years, especially in the IB program. I’m not, but that’s what I’ve heard!”


What’s your favorite class and teacher?


“Cissell and Egan are my favorite teachers. Favorite class is forensics.”


What’s your favorite GC lunch food?


“General Tso’s”


What’s your favorite trend from the last 4 years?


“I got curtain bangs, so, if that counts.”


What’s one thing you wish you could change or have done differently?


“I definitely would have gotten involved with more clubs instead of just one sport, maybe done theater or other sports.”


What GC senior do you want on your side of the apocalypse?


“Kate Nonnenkamp. ”