Senior Spotlight #9: Brandon Chernosky

Meet Brandon: member of the Hockey team, Drumline, Band, Good Counsel Theater Company, XBSS, and Campus Ministry. He’s a very busy guy! He is a Gemini and is going to Catholic University to study Philosophy. Here is our senior spotlight interview with him!


What’s your favorite extracurricular activity?


“Probably hockey.”


What’s your advice for freshmen?


“Stay on top of your work!”


What’s your favorite class and teacher?


“Gotta be calculus and Dr. T.”


What’s your favorite GC lunch food?


“Swedish Meatballs”


What is your favorite book?




What’s one thing you wish you could change or have done differently?


“I would have gotten into more things as a freshman.”


What GC senior do you want on your side of the apocalypse?


“Sean Russell”