Senior Spotlight #8: Mia Vasco

Meet Mia: member of XBSS, Campus Ministry, NHS, and (as of late) her local youth group. 

She is a Cancer and is going to Colgate in the fall to study Biochemistry or Molecular Biology. Here is our senior spotlight interview with her!


What’s your favorite extracurricular activity?


“My job. I work at a kids’ club at a gym. I get a free membership.”


What’s your advice for freshmen?


“Be yourself. Take the classes you want to take; don’t take it because people are telling you to take it. Take what you are interested in.”


If you could be any animal, what would it be?


“I’d be a sloth. I like sleeping; sleeping is honestly my favorite pastime, or reading.”


What is your favorite book?


“I’m reading this book right now called The Undocumented Americans [by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio]. There is this woman who was an illegal immigrant interviewing all these undocumented Americans. It is a really good book, and I am really enjoying it right now.”


What is your favorite GC tradition?


“The Pep Rally was fun, [especially because] I was in majorettes.”


What was your favorite part of virtual school?


“Not wearing a uniform; just wearing my pajamas.”


What Senior Superlative do you think you should get?


“Best Faculty Kid Who Doesn’t Act Like A Faculty Kid.”


(A spectator suggested “Worst Driver”)