Teacher feature: what activities did GC teachers do in high school?

Have you ever wondered what Good Counsel’s teachers were like in high school? What sports did they play? What clubs were they in? I interviewed some of our teachers to find out their favorite high school activities.

Mrs. Herndon- Cintron, World Language Teacher
“I went to high school in Syracuse, New York. The Nottingham Bulldogs. There was never a bus. We had to walk. We had to walk in the snow….I was in theater, an all-state choir, and I also started the kazoo club (it was boring). I ran track (sprinting, not long distance), I did relay races, and I played violin. At least I tried to.”

Mrs. Herndon-Cintron (OLGCHS)

Mrs. Bykowski ‘08, English Teacher
“Well, I was a speech and debate kid. I wrote a terrible OO (original oratory), I did it for one tournament and they were like ‘revise it!’ And I was like ‘ I don’t wanna do that,’ so I didn’t. I did Duo with my best friend, and then I also did DP (Dramatic Performance). There was one time—you can ask Mr. Ehrman—I totally forgot my piece halfway through the round… that was the last time I ever did DP.

I was a theater kid, so I did all the theatre-y [stuff]. My freshman year I was an orphan in Annie and one of the daughters in Pirates of Penzance. Then, sophomore year we did Frankenstein, and junior year we did South Pacific and I was Nellie Forbush. My senior year was Lend Me a Tenor and I played Diana, then we did A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to The Forum and I played Philia.

I was in XBSS and I was also in this program that GC used to have called ‘Life.’ It was like mini junior retreats and I was a Life leader. I was an NHS Student and a member of the Polish club. I also wrote poems and short stories for the Austringer.”

Mrs. Bykowski ’08 (OLGCHS)

Mr. Spottswood ‘81, Choir Teacher
“I was a basketball player on Varsity. I was also in the Jazz band playing piano, and we had a rock band and we played about 40 songs and did concerts around Silver Spring. And I played tennis, so yeah. That’s pretty much it.”

Mr. Spottswood ’81 (OLGCHS)

Mrs. Harrison ‘11, Dance Teacher
“I did poms, I did theater ( I had a scholarship), and I did track. I was a sprinter and I did indoor and outdoor. My coaches were unhappy with me because poms and theatre conflicted with track, so sometimes I had to skip. So, actually I didn’t really run that much to be honest.

In theatre when I was here, Mrs. Slocum did not want everybody to do the same thing everytime, for every show. My freshman year, I got the lead but I dropped it because I got nervous that I had to kiss somebody in the show. That was stupid. Actually, Mrs. Bykowski was a senior when I was a freshman, and she got the role in to Lend me a Tenor that I decided not to do because I was too nervous. I wouldn’t do it, so they gave it to her instead. My Sophomore year, I was assistant choreographer and our show was The Coconuts.”

Mrs. Harrison ’11 (OLGCHS)

Mrs. Davis ‘03, Librarian
“In school, I was involved in creative writing and the Austringer and Amnesty International. Outside of school I did a lot of random sports like horseback riding and fencing. And I worked at the library, volunteered there, and I was a lifeguard.”

Mrs. Davis ’03 (OLGCHS)

Mr. Peake ‘84, Social Studies Teacher
“Brace yourself, because I was pretty busy.

I had jobs through most of high school, starting my sophomore year. I worked at a church rectory answering phones, then I was a movie theater usher, and by my senior year I was working in a department store.

My parents always urged me to get involved with activities and sports. I played midfield and attack lacrosse, I wrestled, and I ran cross-country. In addition, I was part of SGA (class president both junior and senior years). I tried the school newspaper for a short while and I also did model UN, but neither one really stuck with me.

I didn’t win anything in either lacrosse or wrestling, as I was just a middle-of-the-road athlete. I played both midfield and attack in lacrosse, although not a lot. Mr. Collins (who was here as a student when I was here) asked me if I played lacrosse when I was here and I had to remind him that I was on the team, but not necessarily playing a lot.”

Mr. Peake ’84 (OLGCHS)