Talon End of Year Letter
The Talon 2021-2022 Executive Editors, Joey Wu ‘22 and Rebekah Sun ‘22
Dear Good Counsel Community,
With both excitement and sadness, on June 4, we are officially closing out The Talon for the 2021-2022 school year. We wish everyone a fun and rejuvenating summer and are already looking forward to a fresh, exciting new term next school year! The Talon plans to hit the ground running next year, and we assure you that Talon staff will be working over the summer, whether brainstorming new ideas or building upon our skillset!
We hope you enjoyed all the diverse, insightful, and creative content The Talon had to offer this year. We want to acknowledge all the hardworking and talented writers, artists, photographers, and section editors who make the Talon what it is. We also thank our lovely moderators, Mrs. Essig and Ms. Neugebauer, without who the Talon would not be possible.
As senior Co-Executive Editors of the Talon, we say a bittersweet goodbye. We truly could not be more grateful for the opportunity to have brought student journalism to the Good Counsel community. We’ve been gifted with so many unforgettable experiences during our past four years. Whether it be meticulously editing articles, corresponding and bonding with writers, or seeing the passionate faces of our staff at weekly Wednesday meetings as we brainstormed new ideas, every second we have spent with the Talon has been priceless and an integral part of who we are as Talon team members, Good Counsel students, and student journalists. We will miss The Talon dearly, to say the least. We’ll definitely be reading the Talon next year and beyond, just like you guys!
Finally, we’re ecstatic to hand the Talon leadership over to Kate Nonnenkamp and Mary Ellen McDermott, both of whom we have worked closely with over the years and are very fond of! We are so proud of everything they’ve accomplished and are incredibly confident that they will continue to elevate The Talon to new heights. So we’re cheering for you guys!
Again, thank you, GC. Have an amazing summer!!
Signing off,
Joey and Rebekah
Your 2021-2022 Talon Co-Executive Editors