How to Make the Best Use of Flex Time
The Good Counsel overall student schedule highlighting the Flex Time period .
When it comes to Flex Time, many students can be confused about where to go and what to do. With Sophomores spending most of their first year at GC on a Zoom call and Freshmen being Freshmen, this confusion can happen frequently. I’ve personally seen multiple instances of students waiting outside of their next-period classroom for the whole thirty minutes of Flex Time (which is counterproductive if you ask me.) So, here are a couple of ideas for what to do with this free time!
The first (and most essential) option is to get work done. Whether it’s a long-term assignment or homework that isn’t due next period, Flex Time is great for completing your unfinished work. There are many places around the school to settle down and get to work; such options include the library, a resource room, an empty classroom (with a teacher to supervise, of course), etc.

But of course, not everyone, including myself, wants to do more work between classes. If that sounds like you, there are plenty of options. So if you’re going to socialize, you can walk around the halls, talk with your friends, etc.
If you like video games, Ms. Cissel’s room (225) is always open during Flex, with a Wii and all the accessories and games you could ever need. Chick-Fil-A is served in the gallery on scheduled days if you’re feeling hungry. Check the Daily Bulletin for the schedule. But if you don’t feel like doing anything, you can always take a mental break. So sit down, listen to some music, stare at your favorite wall, anything that will give you a nice break from the daily routine.
In the end, Flex Time is yours to use, so why waste it? You can do whatever you want within reason. But please, for your own sake, don’t wait outside of your next-period classroom.