Six Updates to the GC Community

A new school year is the promise of a fresh start for all students and staff. Put your best foot forward by being in-the-know about six important updates to the GC community entering the 2019-2020 school year. 


  • All headphones are banned in unsupervised settings during school hours

Students may not wear earphones around their necks or air pods/earbuds at any time other than during a supervised classroom, study hall, or media center situation, even if the listening device is not in use. Listening devices are not allowed in hallways, the dining hall (unless in study hall), during lunch or in other locations. “This applies to normal school hours: 8:00 AM until 2:50 PM. Violation of this policy may result in receiving 3 demerits. Chronic violation may result in confiscation of the device and detention,” say Mr. Arnold and Ms. Lopez.



  • Navy headscarves are allowed for female students.

In the past, girls could wear a hair retaining device like a headband with no more than 2 inches in width. Now, girls may wear scarves that cover their hair and head entirely. The scarves may only be solid navy blue in color. No prints allowed.


  • The school book store has been re-branded to The Falcon’s Nest and has some sweet gear.

Over the summer, GC renovated and redesigned the store. The store’s grand opening to students was the first week back. It sells branded clothing, spirit wear and school supplies. Make sure to stop by and check it out.



  • A new track surrounds the football field.

Mr. Poulos, Director of Grounds, was instrumental in helping to lay the new track surrounding the turf field inside the school stadium. This was a necessary measure because…

  • Reconfigured procedures for fire drills and active assailant situations.

The safety of our entire Good Counsel community is of the utmost importance to our staff. New changes to our fire drill procedure include instructing the Freshman and Sophomore classes together on the baseball field; and the Junior and Senior class gather on the athletic field on the dining hall side. Regarding our procedure for an active assailant situation we now advise all members in the building to avoid, deny, and defend. It is best to locate a hard corner in these situations, hard corners are a location in a room where you are completely out of sight and hidden. It is important to stay concealed from the assailant and safely covered until you are told otherwise by law enforcement.


  • New GC logo is trademarked

Our Good Counsel Falcon logo is officially trademarked! 
