A Letter from the Co-Editors-in-Chief


Welcome, Falcons!

We are so pleased to announce the return of The Talon. For decades, Good Counsel’s school newspaper was a cornerstone of student life, so it is with great honor that this year we are able to reinvent The Talon in a digital format. That so many of you expressed interest in reading and contributing to the school newspaper bears testament to the desire for a student platform within the community.  

The digital format will enable us to present content that wasn’t possible on paper, such as videos, audio recordings, polls, interactive content, etc. The diversity of digital resources lends itself to a diversity of content; at The Talon, we seek to publish not only school and community news, but also national and international news, entertainment, research and investigation, and artistic and literary content. More importantly, we seek to publish what interests you, the reader. As such, we encourage you to email [email protected] to let us know what you’d be interested in reading/watching, and your feedback on published pieces. Also, it’s never too late to become a contributor to The Talon. If you’ve written/produced something, send it in and we’ll be more than happy to consider publishing it.

Lastly, we would like to thank Team Talon. All editors, moderators, and contributors, thank you for working so hard to make this a reality.

We hope you enjoy this first edition!


Brent Smith and Danny Cummins, Co-Editors-in-Chief