The State of Climate Change Today


Chris LeBoutillier via

Greenhouse gas emissions from factories trap heat and warm the planet.

Climate change continues to be a big threat, and it’s not going to disappear anytime soon. What is the latest news about this planetary danger?


Scientists think that Earth could cross the “global warming threshold” by 2027 at the earliest. At this point, average temperature warming becomes more dangerous and likely to be irreversible. Scientists hope to use the Scaling Climate Response Function to model future temperature increases more realistically. The SCRF could reduce inaccuracy by 50 percent compared to the current General Circulation Models. Shaun Lovejoy helped write the paper that this new model features in, and he believes that governments must enact harsh policies to combat climate change, since its deleterious effects will soon create a point of no return for humanity.


Some of the most recent issues that climate change has caused include about 419 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, record heat in 28 countries and the oceans, melting ice in both the Arctic and Antarctic, thawing permafrost (releasing more greenhouse gases), and deforestation (especially in the Amazon).


It seems like only governments and big companies can truly stop climate change before the deadline of 2027. However, even students can make some difference. They can use less electricity by turning off electronics when not being used and by turning down home heating. Using a bicycle or walking instead of driving also stops greenhouse gas emissions. Students can form groups to feel more passionate about making a difference and hold each other accountable for their actions. They can protest to get governments and companies to pursue green agendas.


Meanwhile, Good Counsel makes its own impact on the environment. The school requires a lot of electricity, but since August 2016, it was already switching to solar energy. Depending on how sunny the day is, the school’s solar panels can provide 10-20 percent of the needed power every day. The panels are located above the Dining Hall (lunchroom), Litton Gym (little gym), and Kane Center (big gym).


Good Counsel also has fountains to refill water bottles, which encourage using reusable bottles over disposable ones. This effort to reduce waste first appeared in 2014, when Good Counsel raised funds for a refill station and gave out 500 reusable bottles. Now, there are many such stations around the building.


Everyone must do everything they can to reduce their environmental footprint. It’s not too late to stop climate change and save our future, but it will be soon.

