Study Tips for Exam Season


We all know what time of the year it is: exam season.

It’s that time of the year where we take that ultimate final that may or may not determine our grade in the class, determine if we will be able to get college credit, or even get the International Baccalaureate diploma that many students dedicate two years of hard work for. With stress levels skyrocketing during this tense period of time before the cathartic freedom of summer, here are some key study tips for you to be the successful test taker the Talon believes you can be.

1. Know your learning style.
This can make or break the effectiveness of your studying. If you know what the best way to study for you is, this can cut down the amount of time you spend trying to understand a concept by actually understanding it. By utilizing study techniques that are tailored to your style of studying, you can be able to better recall the subject when asked a question about it on the exam. If you do not know your learning style, just try to remember when you studied for past tests and what did and didn’t work. Do you work best through visual, auditory or kinesthetic ways? Do you work better looking through old PowerPoints or making notecards for yourself? Try new things and see what is best for you.

2. Organize your study space!
Cluttered space can make a cluttered mind! But really, space is important when you’re studying so you’re not crammed and uncomfortable in the corner of your desk or study space. Also, make sure your study space reflects your needs. Some need total silence while others need the white noise of a coffee shop. Some need a totally clean and organized space while others prefer the organized chaos approach. Again, figure out what is best for you.

3. Practice old test/quiz/exam questions!
The best way to ensure you really know the material or concept is if you test yourself. There are hundreds of practice questions and exams online that you can find through google.

4. Take breaks!
It is said that regular breaks can boost productivity as well as promote
concentration on the task ahead. The trick to this tip is not taking longer breaks than you are studying! It is also not effective to just stare at a piece of paper for hours, hoping that diffusion will make the information seep into your brain. Be active in your studying, and earn those breaks!

5. Space out the material!
Scientific studies have shown that memory works best when the information is
fed to it over a period of time repeatedly as well as expanding on it more and more. This will prove to make recall of the information easier as well as more efficient. Rather than spending a whole night cramming before the test, study half an hour every night for a week before, and then get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.

6. Be positive!
Your attitude is important. Studying will only get more difficult if you make it
difficult as well as lowering your own success rates. When you think positively, it shows a positive effect on the brain allowing more activity to give way. So think positively and that you can do this because you CAN do this!

Happy studying!

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Works Cited
“Exam Preparation: Ten Study Tips.” TopUniversities , 3 May 2017.
n-ten-study-tips . Accessed 30 Apr. 2018.
“12 Study Tips for Back to School.” Princeton Review . .
Accessed 30 Apr. 2018.
“12 Study Tips to Achieve your Goals in 2018.” GoConqr , 3 Jan. 2018. n-2018/ . Accessed on 30 Apr. 2018.